Goa Outreach Photo - Celebrate Christmas by Donating to Goa Outreach
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Celebrate Christmas by donating to Goa Outrech

Christmas Celebrations

Father Christmas giving out presents at Coa Outreach

Christmas is always a special time in Goa with locals dressing up in Santa Clause outfits and Christmas also being one of the busiest times for tourists in Goa.

Here at Goa Outreach it is equally as busy but all our time is spent getting ready for and wrapping the hundreds of gifts that we give out to slum and street children each year.

Our belief is to give the children a childhood worth remembering. This is always at the forefront of our work with Children. Christmas helps by giving as much festive joy as possible. For the past 20 years Robert has been distributing presents to slum and street children in Goa. It is such a fun time watching the children's eyes light up when you give them a large wrapped present.

On average we wrap around 500 presents each year, it is a huge task and this is only possible due to the donations of gifts from our supporters.

Christmas in 2023

This year is a little different as we our caught on a back foot as we have been struggling since the pandemic for supporters and our funds at an all-time low. We are desperate for donations to continue our work supporting slum and street children with Education and Healthcare as well as celebrating Christmas and Diwali

How to Help

Donate Money, Sorry to be so blunt, but we do really need financial support at present as we do not have enough for the children’s education next year let alone Christmas Presents.

Donate Now and make a recurring monthly donation that will not just make a child smile at Christmas but make a lasting change in their development. Just £15 a month will give one child a full education and support special events including Christmas.

Children receiving Christmas Presents in the Slums

Donate in Kind

If you prefer to donate in kind, we are happy to receive items that can be used as Christmas presents, generally small items, barbie dolls, toy cars, children’s clothes, makeup box, perfume, even second hand phones and tablets would be great. Generally more smaller items are better than fewer large items, unless it is something that can be shared at the centre by all the kids.

A great way to help is donate a bus for a day so we can take the children out for a trip. We only have a motorbike which make trips very few and far between. If you have a bus and would like to donate it for a day it would be a chance to take the children to the beach or park, especially during the Christmas holidays.

Donate a Christmas meal, we like to cook for all our children (currently around 100 students) at Christmas, if you would like to donate food this Christmas then please get in touch

Giving Presents at Christmas for Street Children

Donate For Christmas

Help us celebrate Christmas, we give out as many presents as we can to disadvantaged children in Goa. Over the years we have handed out tens of tousands of wrapped Christmas presents and there is nothing quite like the joy you see on the children's faces. We also give out fruit in the slums and provide our regular children with a Christmas Party and Lunch.


Read our blog to see what a differnece a donation makes

Your donation can help give a child the education they deserve. Read our blogs to see how we're changing lives, and join us in making a difference.